Sunday, July 27, 2008
friday night, drove to caulfield and picked lovely up from the station
we drove to williamstown beach.. which we just stayed there and sang for a bit - haha
then we went to eat lebanese pizza..
the owner of that shop freaked me out. but the pizza was...... tops!!
went back to b's and had dinner with his parents and his aunt and uncle and mattiee~
slept over at b's
in the morning we went to hp
and had brunch..
then drove bub home to get ready for taek
went to work afterwards.. not very exciting T_T""
and then today went to have yumcha with family and b
we went to swapmeet AGAIN
but i stayed in the car ^_^ v
went to chaddy
bought........a pair of boots
and yea.... didn't get what i wanted
which i am quite angry about
he drove me home
tutored me chem
gone to jimmy's gig
and now it's 7
i have not done any english - which i really should
and then im gonna sleep early
that's it for today.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
so anyway...
yday after school
went to vet to get dog food for vicki
and then went home and got ready
drove to city.. at like, 4.30pm. which i thought woulda been peak hr
but seemingly, it wasn't too bad
b bought tickets for dark knight (dodgy 3rd row seats, but what can u do - it was so popular)
and then i picked him up from work C_C
so then he took me to pwc carpark.. and it was pretty cool b/c u had to pin in numbers and shit lol!~
yuh.. then we had pizza for dinner
and then i drove him home....... ~ went back to city and picked up tina
and then went allllllllllll the way home! :)
ps. i am getting better at driving in the city....... didn't get lost! :)
tday... went to station.. and we had breakfast at essendon
which was not that great. oily food for breakfast is disguisting
and on the train, my drink exploded and it was mighty gross.
so then went to his house
b went to taek at 1.30 so i stayed at his house
and watched youtube clips ^_^ v
he came back........ drove all the way back to pick up my brother from school
and then we went to coles and we bought craploads of food
and made a good good good dinner :)
then b and i got lazy so we just sat and watched tv......... lol
watched princess diaries and speed
.... and now he just left, and i miss him so :(
that's it for now! :D
yday after school
went to vet to get dog food for vicki
and then went home and got ready
drove to city.. at like, 4.30pm. which i thought woulda been peak hr
but seemingly, it wasn't too bad
b bought tickets for dark knight (dodgy 3rd row seats, but what can u do - it was so popular)
and then i picked him up from work C_C
so then he took me to pwc carpark.. and it was pretty cool b/c u had to pin in numbers and shit lol!~
yuh.. then we had pizza for dinner
and then i drove him home....... ~ went back to city and picked up tina
and then went allllllllllll the way home! :)
ps. i am getting better at driving in the city....... didn't get lost! :)
tday... went to station.. and we had breakfast at essendon
which was not that great. oily food for breakfast is disguisting
and on the train, my drink exploded and it was mighty gross.
so then went to his house
b went to taek at 1.30 so i stayed at his house
and watched youtube clips ^_^ v
he came back........ drove all the way back to pick up my brother from school
and then we went to coles and we bought craploads of food
and made a good good good dinner :)
then b and i got lazy so we just sat and watched tv......... lol
watched princess diaries and speed
.... and now he just left, and i miss him so :(
that's it for now! :D
Thursday, July 17, 2008
so i've been reading this book: how to have a beautiful mind - Edward de Bono
i am an absolute fan of self-help books. there are things we notice in this world, but we seem to let pass by. these self-help books put it down in real words, and those little things we let run over us, suddenly become a little different.
so anyway, the intro starts off by talking giving a little hypothetical of a beautiful woman at a party. people come and surround her, but soon leave. on the other hand, there is a short bald man, who grabs everyone's attention. so there we have it. not necessarily brains over beauty, but mind over beauty.
we can do all we can to make ourselves look beautiful on the outside, but once people start talking to you, and you have a shit mind.. well, nothing great to look for in there, is there?
de Bono (hehe cool last name) brings up a very good point in his book: for a good discussion to occur, we must have a balance between agreement and disagreement.
the thing that interested me the most, was the 'point of disagreement' bit. there is nothing wrong with disagreeing, as he says.. however, it is the attitude and the way we choose to disagree which can be disheartening at times. there are people who disagree in a rude way, people who disagree to win a battle, people who disagree to 'vaunt their ego' and people who disagree to demonstrate superiority.
i must admit, i am guilty of.. ALL of these.
--- interlude---- ken ate most of my ferrero rocher. i am so angry ---interlude ---
yes, i am guilty!! i have trouble distinguishing between having a different opinion and disagreeing with a different opinion. weird, right ? we can have different opinions and accept it as different. different opinions does not always mean we must agree.
- ok done!
so my last weekend ended up at chaddy, for the gazillionth time. both saturday and sunday actually.
saturday, FINALLY saw anth again T_T" like after ages..... !
so babe, me, anth and KL went to chaddy.. and like usual, me and b were being the biggest idiots ever. went to have our teaaaaaaa! and then just watched anth and KL buy homeware.. (is that what you call it?) well, it was massively, massively boring - i can say. but it was interesting looking at the range of things u can buy to cook eggs. they even have this timer to show u how cooked your egg is - too cool!!!
so then KL's eyes got this massive infection so anth too her to the doc's all the way in richmond. walked around at chaddy looking for cuff links for babe.. in which we did find two really good ones :D (chosen by me!, duh!)
my brother came, drove b to john's house for his 19th dinner...... and then i went home! :)
sunday... went with loc to chaddy...... we went to borders and had GJ, i want to get this book called 'call girl' ... or was it callgirls? i dno, but it was about this lady and she was a uni lecturer and then at night she was a call girl! well, it was actually the author herself telling a true story.. so yes. i might get that book...~
haha - b and me also made spag one night... well, actually, i made it for him. he ate SOSOSOSo much! (H) i am a good cook yo!~
ok i'm out of things to talk about
i still
haven't got
formal dress.
and the lady said it'd cost me extra $6.50 just for postage handling to see the dress, not even buy it. ..... like wth. but w/e
prob chaddy tmr night to see if i really want it T_T "
& i am currently, so in love, so so in love with AJ RAFAEL
he is....... (L)
and cathy nguyen.. has become an inspiration to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^_^
i am an absolute fan of self-help books. there are things we notice in this world, but we seem to let pass by. these self-help books put it down in real words, and those little things we let run over us, suddenly become a little different.
so anyway, the intro starts off by talking giving a little hypothetical of a beautiful woman at a party. people come and surround her, but soon leave. on the other hand, there is a short bald man, who grabs everyone's attention. so there we have it. not necessarily brains over beauty, but mind over beauty.
we can do all we can to make ourselves look beautiful on the outside, but once people start talking to you, and you have a shit mind.. well, nothing great to look for in there, is there?
de Bono (hehe cool last name) brings up a very good point in his book: for a good discussion to occur, we must have a balance between agreement and disagreement.
the thing that interested me the most, was the 'point of disagreement' bit. there is nothing wrong with disagreeing, as he says.. however, it is the attitude and the way we choose to disagree which can be disheartening at times. there are people who disagree in a rude way, people who disagree to win a battle, people who disagree to 'vaunt their ego' and people who disagree to demonstrate superiority.
i must admit, i am guilty of.. ALL of these.
--- interlude---- ken ate most of my ferrero rocher. i am so angry ---interlude ---
yes, i am guilty!! i have trouble distinguishing between having a different opinion and disagreeing with a different opinion. weird, right ? we can have different opinions and accept it as different. different opinions does not always mean we must agree.
- ok done!
so my last weekend ended up at chaddy, for the gazillionth time. both saturday and sunday actually.
saturday, FINALLY saw anth again T_T" like after ages..... !
so babe, me, anth and KL went to chaddy.. and like usual, me and b were being the biggest idiots ever. went to have our teaaaaaaa! and then just watched anth and KL buy homeware.. (is that what you call it?) well, it was massively, massively boring - i can say. but it was interesting looking at the range of things u can buy to cook eggs. they even have this timer to show u how cooked your egg is - too cool!!!
so then KL's eyes got this massive infection so anth too her to the doc's all the way in richmond. walked around at chaddy looking for cuff links for babe.. in which we did find two really good ones :D (chosen by me!, duh!)
my brother came, drove b to john's house for his 19th dinner...... and then i went home! :)
sunday... went with loc to chaddy...... we went to borders and had GJ, i want to get this book called 'call girl' ... or was it callgirls? i dno, but it was about this lady and she was a uni lecturer and then at night she was a call girl! well, it was actually the author herself telling a true story.. so yes. i might get that book...~
haha - b and me also made spag one night... well, actually, i made it for him. he ate SOSOSOSo much! (H) i am a good cook yo!~
ok i'm out of things to talk about
i still
haven't got
formal dress.
and the lady said it'd cost me extra $6.50 just for postage handling to see the dress, not even buy it. ..... like wth. but w/e
prob chaddy tmr night to see if i really want it T_T "
& i am currently, so in love, so so in love with AJ RAFAEL
he is....... (L)
and cathy nguyen.. has become an inspiration to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^_^
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
so as it goes.. the holidays are coming to an end, once more
i...... have not completed all my work, and i dont think im going to finish anytime soon.
and as god would plan it to be, i do not finish school early on the first monday back
craving for some new nailpolsh
am awwwwwwwwwwesomely bored right now, to the core.
and i miss my b a lottttttttttt
woo! i picked him up from work yday
we had jap food for dinner
and then went home
yes, he is so lovely.......!
there is always sunshine after the rain, right?
his at work right now
i am beyond bored...... and i dont want to do hw
maybe i should go indulge in some cheap nail polish - i don't know
a few more formal things to buy, then i should be set and ready to go!
i...... have not completed all my work, and i dont think im going to finish anytime soon.
and as god would plan it to be, i do not finish school early on the first monday back
craving for some new nailpolsh
am awwwwwwwwwwesomely bored right now, to the core.
and i miss my b a lottttttttttt
woo! i picked him up from work yday
we had jap food for dinner
and then went home
yes, he is so lovely.......!
there is always sunshine after the rain, right?
his at work right now
i am beyond bored...... and i dont want to do hw
maybe i should go indulge in some cheap nail polish - i don't know
a few more formal things to buy, then i should be set and ready to go!
Monday, July 7, 2008
i believe there are people in this world, that admit to defeat too easily.
the thought of change, the act of change
perhaps.... is a little bit too much of an effort to make
that is when, they say they 'can't'
there is no such thing as can't.
can't can only happen
after you've tried.
you've tried and tried and tried.
if you admit to defeat before you've tried
then you're not only weak, but lazy.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

so.. what's been goinnn on!?
a lot of ups and downs lately..
and the major drama queen
absorbed it all!
haven't done much lately.. don't plan to do much either
but right now.. i am so sleepy...
i can proudly say,
i am in love with my car.
undescribable.... tis sexy to max.
and... i kinda, ittle bitty.... miss that other
just a tad
haven't seen him in ages....
and he's started work!
have to go get that va-va-voom formal dress
which i hope to find...... somewhere
now i have to go pick up my brother...... ! gosh! :)
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