b/c i am totally obsessive about my hair colour
it's time for a new change
i'm thinking... lighter?
so here's a pic of my cousin.... IN QLD......
and yea, she has an awesome hair colour (the girl on the right btw)

ok----------- back to work! :)
and she continues:
so then, i went to the dentist w/ my mummy...
and like, i love my dentist right?
his a nice man! and his wife is the helper... w/e u call it
so like he always compliments me.. tells me i'm a good girl
nice teeth, pretty face (lol?) and so on.....
then he just gives me a massive big present...............
it's like bb buying me a nice looking pair of shoes
and then when i try it on BAM!!!!!!!! it doesn't fit.
yea, it's as bad as that
like.... scary stuff. i looked through the brochure and i got totally freaked out.
starts in march...... G_G
anyway, so after that mum takes me to springyyyyy and we have viet food lolll
yellow pancake. we found a place that was, although small, but the food was CLEAN and GOOD ^_^
was pretty content after my meal.
then mum just starts talking about relationships with me
and talks about how her and dad met....... like zomg. history. hahaha but never the less, it was still good
it's always good to talk to my mum :)
after that, met up with g...
was gonan go to tommy's but it was too packedddddd
so we went to lilli's image (yes rach, its the place where the lady stuffed up ur hair + it was the same lady)
so he dyed his hair with like purple bits and got it cut
with this emo look
lol.... looks pretty good :] i reckon
anywayyyyy~ need to do more work :) ~~~~~~~ i think
like, omg spesh takes so long
have to get my bro to teach me too :(
oh well
currently listening to: MAROON 5 - AS THINGS COLLIDE
i think a lighter shade would look fabulous on you =) but then again, so does your hair right now! just dont go all blonde or smthn spastic on me =S lololol. dont forget, your hair has become MY hair! take care of it!! lol.
good to know you are working.. wish i could just sit there and watch you work. obviously i'd stop if i kept distracting you.. but i hope you get used to me.
will msg u when i have lunch. hope u got my msg before? i miss you dear.. lots and lots.
ciao for now!
i love the bond you have with your mom. tis quite adorable! and yes, that was awesome to watch lastnight when your mom attacked you for a whole 2minutes over the webcam.. lol.
g-meister and his haircut? i see. well, if you think it looks good, then it must definetly look good! all hail tammy.
still at work. yay, only like... a lil more till i go home.. i kinda have this urge to drive.. but not only that, but, i really wanna floor the car a bit today. so i think at every red light, when it turns green, i'll try have a miniture drag with everyone beside me... of course i'll win because im driving a powerful 4WD, and cause im awesome (lol jk) but yeah.. i dont know why... feel like dominating something right about now... raunchy much? yea i know.. the car loves it.
viet food is good, i had viet food today for lunch =D 'gom dam?' i have no idea how to spell it phonetically.. lolol.
oh and LOL, i was condescended upon today because i wasn't vietnamese. like wtf? this lady was buying some syndicates or smthn from mom, and she had a daughter who had just finished year 12 this year w/me. so, yeah whilst her mom was buying stuff i was behind the counter and i tried to make conversation with the daughter right? the mom noticed, and all of a sudden her eyes glistened... freaked me out a lil. then the first question she asked me was, 'you are not vietnamese are you?' and i was like... 'no im not' ...and then she was like, 'oh'.. LOOKED AWAY STRAIGHT AWAY! omg omg omg... wtf! siff look away from me like that coz im not viet! feel so shattered lol.. yeah she then pulled away her daughter and left the shop.
crazy people. seriously, the people you meet in retail.. lol.
i'll post again soon, wonder if you'll notice this comment. oh, is it my 'comments' that are exciting or my 'posts' lol. gg.
oh and i lol at your G_G due to the dentist. thats clever! incorporating a O_O with a GG...as the eyes... omg my baby is an einstein! how wonderful and ingenious!
love love!
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