Wednesday, March 19, 2008

so i had a pretty stressful week
my workload built at its highest..
and my social life, well ..... down in the ditches! (almost)

so... after school, i came home
grabbed some goodies
and just sat infront of the tele
watching FRIENDS season 10 finale
love it love it! miss it already~
now i'll just have to find something else to feast on

on a different note:
holidays are up and running again...
and once again, i have to dig my head into my work
going away in a week ^_^
yay? nah - i'm not too hyped up about it just yet

on a really different note:
i think i'm becoming a better person
no.. infact, i know i am a better person
no longer am i constantly hurt and broken
over matters which used to tear me apart..
i don't give a damn anymore
instead.. i've adapted a new perspective on matters.. &towards people.
life is always improving
only if you see it through different eyes~

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