Tuesday, January 13, 2009

ok - so i had so much trouble sleeping last night .. lots of trouble.
i lay in bed twisting and turning
and a thought came up
(now.. i am in no way suggesting anything, nor suggesting i want anything like this for the matter - well, not for the moment)

when do couples in a relationship realise they want to get married?
like... is it really in movies where you suddenly realise your s/o is so important to you, that you want to spend the rest of your life with them?
i'm sure in some cases.. it's more of 'damn we've been together for 10 years, might as well'
or it may be others edging you on to become officially ''one''
if a relationship is breezing through perfectly fine, perhaps sometimes you don't want to fuck things up by getting married - i don't know
i'm not really sure what point i am making

on the other hand, i just came back from dars
i saw a guy eating rock deli chips and i'm like, 'awesome! WHERE DID U GET THEM??'
he pointed to the kitchen table, behind the sofa ...
so i ran for it - as i do with my food
and ran straight into heavy dingdong weights behind the sofa
so now, my foot is totally bruised
and also, golf seem to take a big effect on me .. my hip muscles and arms are in great pain

that's it for today :)

ps. my god it is so hot - i am still not a big fan of the beach because i am quite fair skinned and burn way - way too easily :( then it hurts :(

1 comment:

Emily said...

that's a question to ask your parents :P or somebody you know that recently got married.