myself included.
i've forgotten how to appreciate the little things in life.. like sunshine and greenery
i'm sure that if i look back at my blogs, every so often i make a blog like this.
but i suppose... the course i'm doing is really changing my outlook in life, my goals in life.
i set standards high and aim to achieve them, but along the way
i forget to stop and see the beauty life does bring......
anyhows, i'm really delaying myself on this blogging thing
i feel like i should write only when i feel like it (thats whn i have something to say)
but when i do, i'm stuck on words.
i should just do this everyday - or try to.
next week is deloitte development day program
HRM.... i'm really excited about it
however, this also means i need a suit before next thurs.
the trouble is, suits look pretty terrible on a short, stubby girl like moi.
not to mention, it's bloody impossible to find a REASONABLE priced, nice fitting one these days
now, i know i am a big complainer.. and i pretty much disregard what everyone else sees in the mirror.. but i really think i a suit + pants is really not my thing. but i love it so much! (maybe i have yet to find hte right one) but there is something about my body shape which doesnt really work. FAR OUT, WHY CAN'T I LOOK LIKE THIS??

my s/o tells me that girls that wear suits look manly, personally i don't think i look manly but i DO think that it gives me a curvy look - perhaps too curvy. shietz gaining weight badzors!
anyway, i've also decided to sell off a lot of my clothes on ebay. ok, i've mentioned ebay A LOT on my facebook...... so i've risen to a new level of actually selling things (this idea is still fairly new to me) i feel like i need a new wardrobe...... and the only way to make room, is to sell it. kinda sad because my clothes are like my children, and i can't possibly imagine them at another's house. i hope people look after it... and not throw them on the ground or chuck holes in them :| gaahh
additionally, people will be aware of this sooner or later.. but i purchased hair extensions on ebay. now, I KNOW i was the one to say 'omg i love my short hair ladidahdahdahdahd' and then grow to a phase where i wanted long hair again.. it has finally reached the peak where anyone who has long hair and has natural curls..... well, i almost want to strangle them and then cut their hair off. ha, i joke. so yea, hair extensions is yay-zor. BUT after new findings, i won't be purchasing the clip on ones.. no no no, i bought micro-ring hoop haiar extensions, they are quite weird, but i think they willl be quite good. they were on sale btw MUHAHAHha ai love sale
went with var to dfo today to look for a suit....... i saw SHOES instead, which i didn't buy.. but i think i will go back and get them. but i'mjust a bit iffy.....because i really want the HIGH stilettos (yes i know abt the pain) just becauase talking to ppl when u are short is really uncomfortable. i'd rather be at least...... talking to someone and not having to stand too far away in order to not have my head at 180 angle to talk to them. but then, there were also these half heel'ed ones....... i'm not against them, quite comfy really....... but the height is just not there.. SUGGESTIONS, AGAIN?
god people never give me suggestions
sigh sigh sigh.
have to start studying for exams
really nerve racking ones this time, i want to improve my avg
last week i did a wine course with zeee luvluv and eevonzorrr and some others
it was intense, but i have a fairly good time and now a better knowledge abt wines!
apart from that, nothin from the norm.
my lover ...... ok, this is crazy but, next week is 2 years
and i am still
in love with him.
he drives me up the wall, but i love every part of it.
i suppose, any relationship can go through the really rough patches
but we all look forward to the good times..... that's what counts right?
planning to get him mont blanc pennnnn :) $$ hole in my wallet!
With the shoes, you always find yourself - or at least i do - to end up wearing what is most comfortable/get the most money out of. So be careful there! If you're gonna get high heels, don't get stilletos... get something with a thicker heel but still elegent at the same time. There's plenty of those :) just don't get this heels, they're crazy to walk in.
Oh, and personally, I don't like chicks with suits on. To me they give the impression that they want to look mature/sensual but instead end up looking like old hags. No offence. At most, I reckon a pin skirt is good (Y) I don't reckon pants :) But that's just my opinion.
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