Wednesday, July 21, 2010


skincare is something i get mildly excited about. if you are a fan of makeup, it is important that you provide a good canvas for your products!

i used to never give a damn about skincare just because i used to get compliments and i thought it was fine as it is. it still is perfectly fine... but pretty things never last. i admit, in the future, i might succumb to a victim of botox just because i love my skin the way it is. but it is important for every girl to nurture your skin... because... well, you're not going to look as youthful as you do now in 10-15 years time.

i used to use cheap facewash and moisturizer from drugstores ie. nivea/clean and clear... it did the job and that was all i really cared about.. however, in actual fact, these cheap brands may help you remove makeup, give your face a quick wash... but being a long-term customer for these brands is probably not too good for your skin. i can't say from experience that these brands harm you in the long term and this blog may well be just me talking about how much i love expensive skincare... but i honestly think you pay for your quality.

skincare is so important whether you have good or bad skin. we've all encountered females who evidently have bad skin and try to cover it up with tonnes of makeup... not cool for their audience and defs not cool for the individual themselves. for females who don't have bad skin, using good products will ensure you maintain your nice skin... you want your skin to be stable and healthy - always.

it's important to understand your skin. combination/oily/normal/dry skin.. you may have a mixture of these skin types and they can differ in different weather conditions. you need to know WHEN your skin is the oiliest, WHEN is it the driest.. and by knowing, you will know which product line to run to when you do decide to try out new products. always moisturize... you don't want wrinkles to occur at a young age! there is no harm in trying different brands... i've tried a range of skincare products and now i've finally settled for shiseido's white lucent line (for the time being). be mindful that skincare products take several weeks for you to actually see the difference... so don't be so judgemental if you don't see any different asap.

also, ALWAYS take makeup off before sleeping. deadly sin. don't do it. it's disgusting, you get lots of bacteria build up and clogs up your pores... contributes to acne/pimple problems. i wear makeup quite often these days.. and sometimes even if i think i've taken off all my makeup, i find that when i use cotton pad to put on toner... i see residual makeup left over that i've missed! once a week.. i use a bowl and chuck some hot water in, give myself a steam treatment... it's good for opening up pores but ALSO melts the makeup that you may have missed out on. deep cleanse!

lastly, give your face a treatment whether it may be a facial or a face mask every 1 - 2 weeks. rehydrates your skin and leaves it pretty for more .. makeup!

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