went to the big big BIG xmas tree
and got my xmas presenttttttttt (L)
went to eat korean food~ yaY!
bb can't handle spice!
fed square, carols by candlenight
everybody meet.. buddy!

buddy has his own style..

and his own girl ;)

best christmas ever! thankyou bebeeeeee~

holiday happy snaps~

1 comment:
best christmas ever? i concur!
haha.. auww that was such a great night.. eventful, at times scary and depressing (i.e.: that long train ride home and finding out that society doesnt trust me using their mobile phones..)
i love those 'holiday snaps' and BUDDY. oohhh BUDDY u sexy thang. he's so lucky.. gets the two hottest chicks in the world (well.. actually THE hottest chick in the world.. -> YOU =D) oh im so cheesy ;D
well i promised you a blog, so im JUST about to write one.. an update! niceeee...
hope you're enjoyin your bbq thingo with the workers! poor bb needed to wake up at 7. you must be sleepy.
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